Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Almost the 2 month mark.

I'm almost 31 and a freshman in college. AWESOME!!! All I need is to do is master the Triple Lindey for the diving team. Back in school at an old age.. triple lindey... diving team.. they should make a movie about it. ;) Someone tell what movie I'm thinking of. You'll get a special prize fo' sho' yoh.

I took off to dayton this past weekend. Just for a saturday beer fest with some good friends to drown our sorrows about the evil money pit of a car that each of us own. One buddy did a dyno pull, and lost a freeze plug. Weird. We measured the stock freeze plug, and the one that was in his motor, and the one that *was* in his motor was a good few thousandths less. Alway try to use factory parts on your cars kids. I'm sure I'll be over at his place within the month to help replace this.

What else is happenin... Oh.. I put myself on an internet dating thing. lemme put the big L on my head now. I made my zip code indy.. since there is nothing but WT around here. I did have one 48 year old tell me how hot I was and that I "didn't need to be.... ya know. I'll just copy what she told me.

She tells me, "wanted to say u dont need to be on here u look hot i know i am to old for you but hey i love younger guys! good luck but u dont need it thanks Deanna"

I respond with a thanks for the vote of confidence.

Her reply... "thanks for writng back and like i said u dont need luck u got what it takes u dont even need to be on here!but glad u r or i wouldnt of seen you! lol hope your day is going good! D

Again.. I thank her and imagine she's just all over this swapping email with a younger, "hot" guy. I tell he to stop and that "you're making me blush".

Her response..."u r very sexy looking wish they had guys like that here! lol"

Then I notice that she's got black Ray-Bans on in her picture. Sorta like Stevie Wonderish. ;) No wonder she's tellin me I'm "hot".

Hopefully.. that's enough to keep the people-that-bitch-about-my-lack-of-blogging off my back. give them something to feed from.

Gene.. you'd be proud that we were talking about you at the Ohio meet I went to just this past weekend. In fact.. we talked about your middle name. Not your real one.. but the one you seemed to always sign you emails with. That inspired me to add all the hyphens in the above passage. Ben kalika actualy brough it up.

There's a lisday lohan video on mtv2 right now. At least I think thats who it is. There's Herbie who she co-starred with in the vid and some scenes from the movie. She's "singing" about her wanting to come first. All broads are the same.. "its all about meeeeeee!!!" Why can't we do what I wanna do?!?! Meeeeeeee!!!! I guess if it was her. I'd let her come first.

:P ()

The above is totally off the friggen chain. Some of you won't get it.. but the select few that do...

I worked out for the first time in about 3 months yesterday. I hurt today. legs right below my ass are killing me. Squats. Not so much deads.. but the squats. Chicks dig the tight ass. I need to get more compliments on it. havetn' gotten any since I quit working out. maybe I'm hanging out classy women and not the whores I used to hang around with. Hmm.

Christy would be proud as I was out in like an hour. Did bench press, squats, deads, situps, and seated row. Plus lots of stretching to try and either break this shoulder so I have to hit up the doc.. or to make it good again. No insruance sucks.

That's enough.